Policies & Pupil Premium 

Some of our policies are being updated and will be published here soon. 

Our Academy, like any other, has a number of policies to ensure the safety of children, their education and the smooth operation of the Trust. Click on each hyperlink to view the individual policies. There are also some policies that apply specifically to staff that are not shown on the website. Should you require a paper copy of these, or any other policies, please contact the Academy Office. 

Accessibility Plan 

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy

Attendance Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Data Protection Policy

DBS Checks Policy and Procedures

EAL Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information 

Handwriting Policy

Homework Policy

Non-collection of Children Infant Academy

Intimate Care Policy 

Online Safety Policy

Pastoral Care Policy

PE & Sports Premium Spending 

Privacy Notice

Pupil Confidentiality Policy

Pupil Premium Strategy 

Pupil Premium Spending Statement

Remote Education Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Religous Education Policy

School Suspension & Exclusion Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy 

Teaching and Learning Policy 

Uniform Policy

Vexatious Complaints Policy

Whistleblowing Policy