Quick Reference - Day to Day Answers for Day to Day Questions
School Lunches - Lunches cost £2:50 each day.
Fab Fridays - to help children apply their class based learning to everyday life, most Fridays will see us out and about, either in the school grounds or on an educational visit. Fab Friday clothes, footwear and accessories (hats etc.) should be appropriate for all day outdoor learning.
School Trips - uniform unless otherwise stated.
Sickness and Upset Tummies - 48 hours clear before coming back to school - no exceptions.
Medicine - Can be given in school but medication forms must be completed by parent or carer.
Exceptional Circumstances for Leave of Absence (Holidays) - These can only be granted in exceptional circumstances as dictated by the Government. We do recognise the unique, exceptional needs of families at our school. Permission must be sought prior to leave being taken as a failure to do so may result in the leave being unauthorised and the possibility of court proceedings being taken.
Unforeseen School Closure e.g. very bad weather - We always try to stay open. If we have to close we advise the Local Authority and amend our website. If we are able to we will also text you.
We always welcome parents and families into our academy. During the year each area of our curriculum will be represented for families to find out about how we teach and what they children learn across the age ranges.
Should you have any questions about your child's learning please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.
We love to have families in school to share our experiences and help with reading or other class activities or clubs. If you would like to share some of your time with us please talk to your class teacher or the school office. We do ask that all volunteers undertake a Criminal Record Check before starting volunteering with us.
Marham Village Pre-school a preschool in a village setting which children attend before coming to our school.
Marham Rainbow Centre a preschool and all daycare facility located next door to our school providing before and after school care,
Starting School places at Cherry Tree Academy Marham Infant are offered by Norfolk County Council. The Council are very mindful of the flexibility required by the school to accommodate our children and work closely with us to ensure that place are allocated as quickly as possible. If you would like your child to join our academy please contact either the Council via their website or ourselves via the school office.
School Closures In adverse weather condition our school will be listed if a decision has been made to close the school.
RAFMarham http://www.marhamhub.co.uk
We would welcome feedback on the website and please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see. You can leave a message under the Contact Us tab or e-mail us - junioroffice@cherrytreeacademy.norfolk.sch.uk
Quick Reference - Day to Day Answers for Day to Day Questions
School Lunches - Lunches cost £2:50 each day.
Fab Fridays - to help children apply their class based learning to everyday life, most Fridays will see us out and about, either in the school grounds or on an educational visit. Fab Friday clothes, footwear and accessories (hats etc.) should be appropriate for all day outdoor learning.
School Trips - uniform unless otherwise stated.
Sickness and Upset Tummies - 48 hours clear before coming back to school - no exceptions.
Medicine - Can be given in school but medication forms must be completed by parent or carer.
Exceptional Circumstances for Leave of Absence (Holidays) - These can only be granted in exceptional circumstances as dictated by the Government. We do recognise the unique, exceptional needs of families at our school. Permission must be sought prior to leave being taken as a failure to do so may result in the leave being unauthorised and the possibility of court proceedings being taken.
Unforeseen School Closure e.g. very bad weather - We always try to stay open. If we have to close we advise the Local Authority and amend our website. If we are able to we will also text you.
We always welcome parents and families into our academy. During the year each area of our curriculum will be represented for families to find out about how we teach and what they children learn across the age ranges.
Should you have any questions about your child's learning please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.
We love to have families in school to share our experiences and help with reading or other class activities or clubs. If you would like to share some of your time with us please talk to your class teacher or the school office. We do ask that all volunteers undertake a Criminal Record Check before starting volunteering with us.
Marham Village Pre-school a preschool in a village setting which children attend before coming to our school.
Marham Rainbow Centre a preschool and all daycare facility located next door to our school providing before and after school care,
Starting School places at Cherry Tree Academy Marham Infant are offered by Norfolk County Council. The Council are very mindful of the flexibility required by the school to accommodate our children and work closely with us to ensure that place are allocated as quickly as possible. If you would like your child to join our academy please contact either the Council via their website or ourselves via the school office.
School Closures In adverse weather condition our school will be listed if a decision has been made to close the school.
RAFMarham http://www.marhamhub.co.uk
We would welcome feedback on the website and please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see. You can leave a message under the Contact Us tab or e-mail us - junioroffice@cherrytreeacademy.norfolk.sch.uk