Cherry Tree Academy Marham Infant is a part of the small Multi-Academy Trust, Cherry Tree Academy Trust Marham. This company is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The company is registered with Companies House and has a funding agreement with the Department for Education. All documents relating to the structure, funding agreements and financial information are also available from the Trust's Head Office located at Cherry Tree Academy Marham Infant, Cedar Road, Upper Marham, PE33 9LT. You can also find more information on the Academy Trust Website by clicking on this link.

Should you have any questions about the company please ring 01760 337 217 or  email 

Cherry Tree Academy Trust Marham


Richard Durrant 

Jan Knight

Suzie Wales

Chief Executive Officer & Accounting Officer

Michaela Webb email


Victoria Bradley

Karim Homsey

Charlotte Huffington-Shinn

Carol Lawrence

Lisa Stuart

Michael Twiddy

Gary Walker

Diane Wilson

Mark Woodhouse

Clerk to the Members & Trustees

Jane Hill

Trustees currently meet once a term. The Members meet at least once per year.

The Finance, Audit, Pay & Personnel Committee meet every half term. 

A register of business interests can be found by clicking on this link

Should you have any questions about the company please ring 01760 337 217 or email 

Scheme of Delegation - clink on the link to view how we delegate the running of the Trust.