OFSTED & Key Stage 2 Results

'At this school, pupils are happy and are kept safe. This is because of how well staff take care of them. Pupils are given lots of helpful support so they can do their best work. Pupils are expected to work hard. They rise to this challenge with zeal. Pupils behave very well. No time is lost in lessons due to interruptions caused by poor behaviour. Pupils show respect for their peers and staff'. OFSTED 2023

We enjoy showing our academy and engaging in professional discussion with our colleagues who work for OFTSED. Our last visit was in March 2023. You can read a full copy of the report by click the link below. 


we are roud of our chldren and staff who work incredibly hard throughout the year. The snap shot of results of the Key Stage 2 SATs is just part of the children's incredible journey during their time with us. 

KS2 Results 2023


Remember that OFSTED are always keen to hear up to date views of the school. You can do this via Parent View. This is an online survey on the OFSTED website. You can find out more details by following the link http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk

We are always incredibly proud of the effort children make each and every day. We will continue to strive to ensure that children aim not only to meet but, where possible, exceed the national age related expectations. More importantly however, we endeavour to ensure that children make accelerated progress in relation to their own starting points. This, for us, is especially important as children join us from a range of other education systems.

If you would like to compare the results of the academy to other schools please click on the link to the DfE School Performance Tables