Reading At Cherry Tree Academy

At Cherry Tree Academy we strongly encourage in the children, a love of reading. We always end our day with a class story that will, over the year, expose the children to a range of genres and recommended reads for their ages. 

We endevour to keep the fidelity of the Little Wandle Phonics programme and have purchased the resources to ensure that all children have access to high quality resoures that match our chosen phonics programme. 

Our library allows children to choose books that they are interested in. They take them home to share with their families. 

We use Little Wandle as our chosen phonics programme from the beginning of the EYFS. As we continue to adapt to the impact of the pandemic, we also use Little Wandle Catch-Up resources and targeted individual / small group support to ensure children are able to use their phonics to help them read.

Please click the link for information about Little Wandle Phonics


Reading At Cherry Tree Academy

At Cherry Tree Academy we strongly encourage in the children, a love of reading. We always end our day with a class story that will, over the year, expose the children to a range of genres and recommended reads for their ages. 

We endevour to keep the fidelity of the Little Wandle Phonics programme and have purchased the resources to ensure that all children have access to high quality resoures that match our chosen phonics programme. 

Our library allows children to choose books that they are interested in. They take them home to share with their families. 

We use Little Wandle as our chosen phonics programme from the beginning of the EYFS. As we continue to adapt to the impact of the pandemic, we also use Little Wandle Catch-Up resources and targeted individual / small group support to ensure children are able to use their phonics to help them read.

Please click the link for information about Little Wandle Phonics


Reading At Cherry Tree Academy

At Cherry Tree Academy we strongly encourage in the children, a love of reading. We always end our day with a class story that will, over the year, expose the children to a range of genres and recommended reads for their ages. 

We endevour to keep the fidelity of the Little Wandle Phonics programme and have purchased the resources to ensure that all children have access to high quality resoures that match our chosen phonics programme. 

Our library allows children to choose books that they are interested in. They take them home to share with their families. 

We use Little Wandle as our chosen phonics programme from the beginning of the EYFS. As we continue to adapt to the impact of the pandemic, we also use Little Wandle Catch-Up resources and targeted individual / small group support to ensure children are able to use their phonics to help them read.

Please click the link for information about Little Wandle Phonics